Clear Braces

Bury Dental Centre

Clear Braces

Your smile is our top priority, and we know all too well the importance of a confident and healthy smile, and so, we offer clear braces as a fantastic option. With their discreet appearance and effective results, clear braces are a popular choice for patients of all ages. 

Clear braces, also known as ceramic braces, are an alternative to traditional metal braces. They work in a comparable way by gradually shifting your teeth into the desired position. The main difference is that clear braces use ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured wires, making them less noticeable compared to metal braces.

The process of getting clear braces is quite like getting traditional metal braces:

  • You’ll meet with a dentist or orthodontist who will examine your teeth, discuss your goals, and determine if clear braces are the right option for you.
  • Once you decide to proceed with clear braces, a customized treatment plan will be created for you. This plan will outline the specific movements needed to align your teeth.
  • During the placement appointment, the orthodontist will bond the ceramic brackets to the front surface of your teeth using a dental adhesive. They will then thread tooth-coloured wires through the brackets.
  • Over time, you’ll visit your orthodontist for regular check-ups and adjustments. During these appointments, the wires will be tightened or replaced to continue guiding your teeth into the desired position.
  • It’s important to maintain good oral hygiene while wearing clear braces. You’ll need to brush and floss regularly, taking care to clean around the brackets and wires.
  • Once your teeth have reached their desired alignment, the braces will be removed. You may be given retainers to wear to help maintain the results.

Frequently Asked Questions

When you first get clear braces, you may experience some discomfort or soreness, just like with any type of braces. This is because your teeth are adjusting to the pressure from the braces. However, the level of discomfort can vary from person to person. Some people find that clear braces are more comfortable than traditional metal braces because the ceramic brackets are smoother and less irritating to the gums and cheeks.

With clear braces, it's recommended to avoid certain foods that can potentially damage or get stuck in the braces. Some examples include sticky candies, chewing gum, hard or crunchy foods like popcorn or nuts, and biting into hard fruits like apples. It's important to follow your orthodontist's guidelines to ensure the braces stay in attractive shape and your treatment progresses smoothly.

The frequency of wire tightening during your clear braces’ treatment can vary depending on your individual case and the recommendation of your orthodontist. In general, you can expect to have your wires tightened every 4-6 weeks. Your orthodontist will determine the best schedule for your specific needs and make any necessary adjustments along the way.

When you get clear braces fitted, you may feel some pressure or discomfort as the orthodontist places the brackets and wires. It's a normal sensation, but it shouldn't be too painful. As for the removal, it's usually a quicker and less uncomfortable process compared to getting them fitted. The orthodontist will carefully remove the brackets and wires, and you may feel a bit of pressure, but it shouldn't be too bothersome.

Bury Dental Centre

Clear Braces

Everyone’s dental journey is different, but we make it our mission to make sure yours is as comfortable as possible!

Our experienced team provides personalized care and guidance throughout your orthodontic journey. Say goodbye to self-consciousness and hello to a straighter, more beautiful smile. Take the first step towards your dream smile and schedule a consultation with us today!


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